For a website like CNN RSS lists would be very helpful. Since news websites are often viewed on mobile devices, making sure that your Google reder can properly read news websites is crucial. Since people are constantly on the go, they want to make sure they can get the same news they would get if they were sitting at home, reading the paper. By using an online reader, this process becomes much easier.

If I decide to add RSS feeds to my website I can allow the people that view my website to stay easily informed. To add RSS feed to website that I run I would normally go to a computer expert. What is so nice about the technology today is that when I want to add RSS feed lists to my website I can encompass all the different systems that big computer corporations have to offer. When I want to add RSS feeds to my website, all different types of computer systems are acceptable. Windows, Linux and Mac can all find their respectable RSS lists.

A website that uses RSS feed lists is TMZ or Thirty Mile Zone, the celebrity news website. On their website TMZ has listed all of their available RSS feed lists so they can break down the entire website by category. If you are looking for celebrity news viewing the RSS news feeds can be very helpful. You might notice when viewing the RSS list, there are a few different options available. In addition to basic celebrity news there is also an RSS news feed list for magazine topics such as beauty, fashion, celebrity gossip and many more.

When you are looking through the RSS lists you will be sure to find a way to read the information you were searching for. What is nice about TMZs list of RSS feeds is that it can be updated with a photo section and be more appealing for internet users. When this happens TMZ will be able to categorize the photos from their website in an easy to view form for internet users. This will make the website more accessible for more people.