An RSS aggregator, which can also be referred to as a feed reader, is a program that runs quietly in the background of your computer and grabs the newest content as soon as your favorite sites post something. As soon as something new is added to one of the sites that you have added to your RSS list, it gets sent to your feed reader immediately. Generally speaking, aggregators come in two varieties. There are Web based and desktop based RSS news feed list aggregators. There are also a number of programs and add ons that offer you the best in RSS functionality and there are even email clients and browsers that you can use.

RSS feed lists are part of a notification system which is designed to alert you when updates, such as new articles or important news and bulletins, are made to your favorite sites. It offers you the chance for the content you are interested in reading to be sent to your computer so that you do not have to spend the time seeking it out by visiting an actual website. Instead, an RSS news feed list

Though a lot of people might just use an RSS news feed list in order to keep track of blogs that they like, a lot of people have actually begun to us RSS lists for their businesses. Subscribing to industry news sites and blogs as a way to stay on top of industry trends and topics is a great way to utilize the technology. You will also be able to save precious time since you will not have to access each individual site sine your RSS news feeds will have already done all the fetching work for you.

There are plenty of free RSS resources on the internet that you can start using right away so that you can get a feel for the technology. The best part about them being free is that you are under absolutely no obligation to keep using one if you are not impressed with the interface. Shop around so to speak, and find the RSS reader that helps you out best today.