With side rails that fold and can be operated separately, patients will remain secure on the bed for the entirety of their stay. To reduce the pressure in the sacral region and to improve the comfort of patients the bed is designed by a double regression system which is suitable for both the back and knees. Additionally, the addition of a Stryker mattress can also help ease discomfort.

Intelligent egress features lower your bed to its lowest height, helping prevent accidental accidents. The LED indicators inform the user when it is all way down. Handles for manual CPR are fitted in the event of an emergency.

Having an ergonomic design, having a weight of 250kg and brake pedals in each corner. Every Stryker bed has a 10 years life expectancy. Each model has been examined for the best safety.

In order to provide nighttime lighting to provide nighttime visibility, the stryker beds have “always at” lighting under each mattress. Additional features include an extra bed, an xray clear backrest as well as an additional wheel. Each bed is compatible with the 4th EMC (Electromagnetic connectivity). zuuviqn2pg.